Welcome to the "Donations" page. Here you will find more information on how to donate, people who have donated, and what donations are used for.
How to Donate:
There are 3 ways you can donate:
If you want to donate an item, you will need to send the item to the owner (browneyedgrl819).
If you want to donate neopoints, you can either buy something from the shop, or...
Bid on one of the donation trades.
What happens to the donations?
We use every penny of donations in np towards the guild, whether its buying prizes, or awarding it to members directly, you can be sure your neopoints are in good hands. If you donated an item, that item will either go directly to a shop, or directly to the prizes trade. If it is put in the prizes trade, when a member wins a contest, the prize trade simply shows them what their options are. They pick on thing from the trade, the trade is then canceled, the prize is awarded, then the trade is put back up with all remaining prizes.